Tuesday, December 14, 2010

My Career Thrives Helping Students Cheat

Confessions of a Ghostwriter:

Man's Career Thrives Helping Students Cheat


On ABC news last night, you may have seen..

That I can broadcast the link  and the actual video-interview
to all of you, colleagues--or to my students with my 10
digits on a Microsoft keyboard is more  "THE MESSAGE"
han the message itself, as Marshal McLuhan would insist.

Suspending (if possible ) the appropriate "old school" outrage:
fear & loathing the plaguerism and  improper documentation
that rip-off protocols of acknowledgment and reference and
steals intellectual property, doesn't this 21st century reality of
higher and lower education challenge the way we do educating?
Redefines what knowing is?  Learning is?  Getting smart?.

For a little bit, maybe don't confuse the issue with what Twain
calls our "damned moral sense," and think about  the
Environmental See Change that has occurred
over the past few years.

Doesn't it "change everything"?

How can we proceed-as-usual? 
Where should our emphasis be at this stage?
on exploring what-it-is-to-learn-&-express
in the Digital Age (Neo-Oral, Post Literate)
how to figure-out how to keepem down on
the farm once they's seen Paris?

You might not like my either/or and can improve my terms
and frame this better.

THIS, I said.
What I'm talking about.

xxxooo, Sam

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