Monday, February 14, 2011

It's Never about what IT's about

Dear American Literati & Colleagues
Across the Curriculum
School of Rock
Whatever creditability I might have,
I’m about to spend it—
throw it away:
“SCHOOL OF ROCK” is the best
movie ever on schooling, better then
Goodbye Mr. Chips and  Dead Poets
Jack Black: let him stand for Moses if
not the Messiah. Moses works better
seeing as Moses actually parted the see
and led the children of Israel out of Egypt
(“darkness “) into the wildness which of
course is  pre- requisite for Liberal Art
 (not to be conflated and confused with
theliberal arts—those majors and
minors and capstone requirements)
While maybe some of you were
watching the Grammy Awards or
grading papers or preparing your
lecture for Valentine’s Day, I was
watching School Of Rock (‘03)
on commercial TV for the second
time--commercials and all.
Jack Black makes Robin Williams
look like Ichabod Crane
IT’s not about rock & roll by the way
Don’t be fooled. Mere token subject-
object matter, bottom line  for the  
Grand Theme  which is SCHOOL
and Schoolin’ and how-come-it-is
we claim kids are losing it these days,
not challenged, binging on drugs and
alcohol and of course sex & rock &
roll & who can blame them for THAT
& we’re getting easier, worried about
evaluations & extended contract and
merit pay and lack of rigor because
we can't tell the differnce between
what it's about and what IT's about..
You guys ROCK!  says Jack.
It brought tears to my eyes.
School for Rock & Roll
is not about rock & roll
Rent it out.  We can argue.
We can Rock & roll.
xxxooo, Sam

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