Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Accessing Noise for News (Stochastic Process)

Stochastic Process:

Built into a self-corrective auto-poetic system,
the capability of shooting  arrows into the void
in hopes of striking some  "target" useful to the
whole deal—otherwise known as accessing the
random, scanning noise for news. An aspect of
negantropy.  (From stoa – archer, shooting

Cursed with being smarter than everyone else,
I try and make virtue of it. Attention Efficiency
Disease. Such a violation to the REST & crime
against the whole. Those of you with the same
affliction: we are meeting  Wednesday evenings
at the Downtown Church of the Crippled & Lame
Shall Enter First. All  are welcome except dumb
people need not apply

(Hard being smarter--eagle among sparrows,
one-eyed in the valley of the blind, ignorant &
fearful:  me--so sensitive to contradictions galore
and  disparity;  hypocrisy goes without saying
( how else just get along? ), denial  and cover up:
why don't we all just get naked?

If we could send  a man to the moon you'd
think we could fix education, immigration,
health  care, mortgage  rates, banking, gasoline
prices acquaintance rape and empowerment
issues...  sometimes I wish I  were dumb and
dumber wouldn't it be easier?  Pray for me,
all you

You know those SQUARES where people
protest and proclaim and throw rocks & 
Molotov cocktails and government forces
roll out tanks and water  cannons and shoot
rubber bullets and a good time is had by all?
Here we are: Faculty L or Face  Booking it –
we have a virtual Square for Converse Action
and no  one gets hurt, no glass broken, no cars
burned, no bloody relatives hauled off  in blankets
& suit coats --just words, back & forth: a kind  of
God's Gymnasium and work out, ideas  in play
to change the whirl, make it a better pace. 
Technological Evolution & Revolution. A good
think.  Amen and praise the lord.

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