Friday, November 8, 2013

Being Academic


My privilege and delight is my sustained
argument with militant atheists, fortress
fundamentalists, liberals, libertarians,
Lutherans. secular and sacred humanists,
democrats and republicans: and  while they
all express a wonderful array of diversity &
Variety of both Religious and Irreligious
Experience with admiral conviction of belief
& bias not to be disparaged or diminished—
we have in common our narcissistic, solipsistic
sealed-in homeland  security bells & whistles
preserving our impenetrable integrity,  virtue,
consistency, coherence holding our soul-self
together like anything come hello or high water
--more SAME than Different, more LIKE than
Unlike --and for that I'm eternally grateful.

Backing out of the faculty parking lot, on the
radio I heard a commentator admit that such
& such was 'merely academic'—and see: that
right there speaks to an attitude that might
could explain whatever inadequacy of higher
ed if not lower we often bemoan, and maybe
indicates what drives the re impoverished
insistent capability of Professional Education
Accrediting Systems to over-emphasize rubric
assessment of goals and aims and purpose and
demonstrable measurable outcomes assuming
that might improve the process. GetRDone: Lord
save us from the "Merely Academic."

Starving Liberal Artist Syndrome, call it. .
Or What Good is a Philosophy Major For
Crying Out Loud Disease  (WGPMFCOLD)
Something like that. Anyone can improve

my terms. I beg for differers. 

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